Thursday, May 03, 2007

After tomorrow, at precisely 9:34 (okay, speculation) it will be summer vacation. This will be the first summer since I was 9 that I am doing something different i.e. not going to camp. Weird. I keep re-reading that sentence and it doesn't seem real to me.

Instead, this summer will be spent in Athens. I love this town. I love the people. I love the places. I love the discoveries and the adventures and the food and entertainment... if you've never been here, you should come. If you have been here, you should come again. Sometimes I have to remind myself that life exists outside of this place because it's so easy to get wrapped up into it.
This post is more of a segue into the summer of UGA Orientation, 2007. I'm pumped.

Meet the UGA Orientation Team

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